Building bodies through better coaching and education! 
Discover how macros can help you to lose fat, maintain your weight, or build muscle - without giving up foods you love to eat!
How to FINALLY lose the weight - without giving up foods you love to eat!
Ditch the Diet Foods:
How to FINALLY lose the weight and FEEL GREAT -
Without giving up foods you love!
Master the art of counting macros.
No more extreme diets. No more 'bad' foods. No more guilt.
No more extreme diets. No more 'bad' foods. No more guilt.
Master the art of counting macros.
Here is what just a few of our customers had to say:

I learned that can eat a variety of foods as long as I stay within my macros. I love the fact that I can have wheat again!!! Many foods I thought I would never be able to eat again are back in my life.

Kareen M

No longer afraid of carbs!
Kareen M
No longer afraid of carbs!

Eating according to macros has been very helpful to improving my sleep.

Sleeps and eats well!


Sleeps and eats well!

I can eat whatever I want as long as it fits my macros is so
freeing cause I was depriving myself and then would end up
binging. What a freedom that is. 

Feels freedom with eating within her macros


feels freedom with eating within her macros

My client asked, "Why can't I lose this extra weight?"

“I have tried everything.

Keto. Paleo. Vegetarian. Low carb. High carb. Low fat. Intermittent fasting. 6 meals a day. One meal a day. Cutting sugar. And all the fad diets that promised to work.

Sometimes something worked for a little bit, but the weight just came back. And more.
It really feels like this is out of my control.

What should I do?”

(I hear this all the time.)

I have good news… There is hope.

Many of my clients had trouble slimming down before working with me. And now, they are much healthier! And now, they feel confident and in control.

After working with lots of women on their journey to get healthier, I learned something that surprised me.

And that is, most diets don’t work.

They are too restrictive and leave women feeling hungry, low-energy, tired, and unhappy.

Most diets are too “one size fits all”, when what women really need is a unique program that fits their goals and lifestyle.

And to help women finally lose the weight and keep it off, I have created a simple nutrition program.

Using this method, I lost 28 pounds! And so many of my other clients have seen great results too.
This method doesn’t require cutting out all of those tasty foods…

And it doesn’t require eating the same thing every day!

In this easy-to-understand macros minicourse, you're going to discover what "Flexible Eating" is....and why it is the key to you finally losing the weight...without giving up foods you enjoy eating....without complicated diets...without rigid meal plans....and without hours in the gym.

Flexible Eating is popular for several reasons:
  • Studies have shown that a less restrictive way of eating is more sustainable and enjoyable in the long run.
  • It can improve energy and athletic performance.
  • It can help to drop fat and gain muscle tone.
  • ​It is flexible; people can eat whatever they like as long as it fits within their macros for the day.
  • ​There is no guilt associated with good and bad foods.
  • ​Flexible eating can be used to lose, gain, or maintain weight.
  • Studies have shown that a less restrictive way of eating is more sustainable and enjoyable in the long run.
  • It can improve energy and athletic performance.
  • It can help to drop fat and gain muscle.
  • ​It is flexible; people can eat whatever they like as long as it fits within their macros for the day.
  • ​There is no guilt associated with good and bad foods.
  • ​Flexible eating can be used to lose, gain, or maintain weight.
Building bodies through better coaching and education! 
Stop the diet nonsense! The information in this course is
based in science, and backed by research AND experience.
How do I know this? 
My name is Adele Frizzell,
and I am the creator of the Eat For Your Goals course. 
I am a health coach, nutritionist, and personal trainer. We use flexible eating - or macro counting - with all our weight loss clients.

 ...And I've personally used macro counting on myself to lose 28 pounds, and then build 15 pounds of muscle. 
As an online coach, I have personally helped 100s of clients to lose weight while eating foods they enjoyed. And now you can get the exact same results, all on your own!

No matter what your age is, if you take this course, and implement the advice, you WILL see changes. Just remember, learning how to track macros takes time but we have a free 5-Day Challenge that comes with this course to help you come up to speed as quickly as possible. Take the course, do the challenge, and you will be on track to reach your goals in the most efficient way possible.
Building bodies through better coaching and education! 
Get started with tracking macros and flexible eating: THE RIGHT WAY.
A Quickstart Guide 
A Quickstart Guide 
Quickstart Guide: Flexible Dieting and Counting Macros (10 min)
Quickstart Guide: Flexible Dieting and Counting Macros (10 min)
Video Lesson
Video Lesson
A video lesson on calories, macros, and micros (18 min)
A video lesson on calories, macros, and micros
(18 min)
Free 5-Day Challenge
Free 5-Day Challenge
Join The 5-Day Eat For Your Goals Challenge and learn how to use macros to lose fat, maintain your weight, or build muscle!
Join The 5-Day Eat For Your Goals Challenge and learn how to use macros to lose fat, maintain your weight, or build muscle!
Free Macro Calculator
Free Macro Calculator
A video walk-thru on how to use our macro calculator to calculate YOUR macros (7 min)
A video walk-thru on how to use our macro calculator to calculate YOUR macros (7 min)
Bonus eBooks
Bonus eBooks
2 bonus ebooks called A Guide to Crush Hunger & Cravings (15 min) and Cracking the Food Label Code (10 min)
2 bonus ebooks called A Guide to Crush Hunger & Cravings (15 min) and Cracking the Food Label Code (10 min)
Here is what MORE OF OUR customers have said after learning how to track macros:

I no longer see food as good or bad. I see it in terms of what it provides or doesn’t provide for me from a health perspective and which types of macros they provide me with to support my overall health, energy, and well-being.

A new mindset and new nutrition habits


A new mindset and new nutrition habits

I was so afraid of the macros and wasn’t sure I could grasp them but now I couldn’t do
without them!!! Learning that is the best thing since coffee!!!

Enjoys tracking


Enjoys tracking

I actually enjoy measuring macros.
As long as I meet my daily macros I can have foods that I previously avoided and still lose or maintain my weight. 

Healthier, smarter, happier


Healthier, smarter, happier

There are NO BAD foods as long as you eat within your macros. That was mind-blowing for me as I thought I had to eat super clean to be lean.

Confident and thankful


confident and thankful
Get started with tracking macros and flexible eating: THE RIGHT WAY.
 Question #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
 Question #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
 Who is this product for?
You're tired of the never-ending stream of diets that restrict multiple foods. If you want to learn how to use macros to lose fat, maintain your weight, or add muscle tone without giving up foods you love to eat, then this product is for you. Macro counting is the quickest, most sure-fire way to achieve the body of your dreams.
 What’s the next step after completing my purchase?
After your successful purchase, you will receive an email containing links to download all the products in this course. Make sure the email address you use to purchase this product is active.
 Do you accept HSA/FSA?
Yes, we can accept HSA/FSA payments for our coaching programs if your physician has prescribed this program as treatment for a specific disease such as obesity, hypertension, or heart disease. You may need to get a letter of approval and we are happy to provide you with one upon request. Please contact for further information.
 Do you offer refunds?
Yes, we have a 60-day Money Back Guarantee. If you complete the course and do the 5-Day Challenge, and are still unsatisfied with your purchase, you can email us within 60 days and get a full refund, no questions asked.
 Who should I contact to if I have concerns about my purchase?
You may email We are available for any inquiries you have from 9:00am - 5:00pm Central Time Monday to Friday.
 Will your course tell me what my macros should be for my goals?
Yes! And if you have any more questions, we are only an email away.

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...

We've Got Your Back

We're GDPR-compliant, meaning your payment information is safe, secure, and encrypted.  We fiercely protect your privacy.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you complete the course and do the 5-Day Challenge, and are still unsatisfied with your purchase, you can email us within 60 days and get a full refund, no questions asked.
Disclaimer: Adele Frizzell LLC are not medical professionals. The information shared with you is not medical advice and in no way substitutes for the care and advice of your doctor.
If you’re struggling to get started or simply want to take things to the next level, we're here to help!
Watch this 6-Part series on Youtube

We totally get that losing fat and building muscle is hard, let alone doing both at the same time. And finding reliable information on this topic is like playing Russian Roulette with your body. A simple Google search will yield you an endless stream of complicated conflicting advice. 

No worries though. This guide will cut through all the BS and pseudo-science in less time than it takes you to make a cup of coffee. 

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Let's connect on our social media!